Colorectal Canncer Screening Quality and Innovation Collective (QuIC)

Intermountain Medical Group
"QuIC" Tip:
In our preliminary work with our Rural Hospital teams, we have found that the ideal approach is to co-design initiatives and plans together with our Rural Hospital care partners to better understand the specific needs of the care teams and communities.
Planned Intervention:
Develop Rural Hospital colonoscopy program with Rural Hospital site teams, Family Medicine physicians, and surgeons who perform colonoscopy exams in rural communities.

Summit Medical Group
"QuIC" Tip:
Implementation readiness is key to a successful intervention. Competing priorities can derail plans and cause unnecessary frustration.
Planned Intervention
Standardize/improve provider and support staff education and risk assessment tools distributed to Summit clinical sites. Implement standardized patient education for clinical sites, value-based contract outreach teams, and social media campaigns.