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      Pfizer Mini-Site

      Pfizer is proud to be the Founding Sponsor of the AMGA’s Rise to Immunize® campaign and a collaborator focused on improving the rates of vaccination against respiratory disease in the United States.

      Vaccine-preventable diseases can have a substantial impact on the health of individuals:

      • COVID-19: ~76,000 deaths among adults, 20231*
      • Pneumococcal pneumonia: Over 180,000 adult hospital admissions occur annually in the US, mostly in individuals aged ≥65 years,2† with a 5-7% mortality rate that is higher in adults and those with underlying conditions3
      • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): ~6,000 to 10,000 deaths among older adults annually4

      We are pleased to share the following resources to provide support for all those who are focused on reducing the impact of these illnesses. Please click on "VIEW RESOURCE" to view and download each item.

      COVID-19 Resources

      mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Explained Infographic

      The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Explained Infographic is a patient-focused one-sheet infographic created by Pfizer, along with BioNTech, and uses CDC information to help explain the science.

      View Resource

      Pneumococcal Pneumonia

      US Adult HCP 50+ ACIP Recommendation Flashcard

      The US Adult HCP 50+ ACIP Recommendation Flashcard details the recommendation for Pneumococcal vacccination in adults.

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      Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

      RSV Burden of Disease and Health System Resource

      The RSV Burden of Disease and Health System Resource highlights the burden of RSV for patients in the hospital setting and reinforces the importance of vaccination in that setting.
      View Resource

      RSV Burden and Risk Factor Infographic

      The Burden and Risk Factor Infographic focuses on the June 2024 ACIP Older Adult recommendation for RSV.
      View Resource

      Additional Resources About Vaccinations Against Respiratory Disease

      Patient Screener Checklist

      Certain medical conditions increase risk for some vaccine preventable diseases. This resource provides a checklist of vaccine preventable diseases impacted by comorbidities as well as age.

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      AMGA Maternal Vaccine Preparedness QuIC Best Practice Guide

      The AMGA Maternal Vaccine Preparedness QuIC Best Practice Guide introduces the AMGA Quality and Innovation Collective (QuIC), and shares collected insights from ten participating health systems who have prioritized maternal vaccinations.

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      Maternal Vaccination Health System Readiness Toolkit

      This toolkit features a variety of resources designed to support maternal vaccination preparedness at health systems.
      View Resource

      Wonder Literacy Video - Immune System

      English language educational video on how immune system works in relation to vaccines.
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      Wonder Literacy Video – Immune System - SPANISH

      Spanish language educational video on how immune system works in relation to vaccines.
      View Resource

      Wonder Literacy Video - Vaccine Safety

      English language educational video on the safety of vaccines.
      View Resource

      Wonder Literacy Video - Vaccine Safety - SPANISH

      Spanish language educational video on the safety of vaccines.
      View Resource

      *Represents adults aged ≥25 years.1

      Hospitalizations recorded in the US based on 2019 census data.2



      1. Ahmad FB, et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2024;73(31):677-681.
      2. Data on File. Pfizer Inc. 
      3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Clinical Features of Pneumococcal Disease. Updated February 6, 2024. 
      Accessed December 1, 2024.
      4. Havers FP, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(11):e2444756.