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      Together. Forward.

      Strategy & Organizational Development

      Healthcare is complex is a significant understatement. Making sense of the complexities and forging a path forward is where our team excels. We recognize that medical group executive teams and boards frequently need an external voice or opinion to aid the organization in thinking strategically about the issues facing their group, community, or the healthcare system in general. 

      Our team of nationally recognized experts can provide both tactical and strategic support to your organization in the following areas.

      Strategic Advisement

      Our strategic assessments have included recommendations related to organizational structure, administrative and leadership structure, governance structure, management and financial reporting, overhead allocation methodologies, and more. We align the right people with the right resources, right projects, and the right insights, to make certain regardless the task, we exceed our client’s expectations...

      Interim Leadership

      Often, we find that organizations may not have adequate bandwidth to focus on changes that need to be implemented within a medical group. We also find that if there is an external partner working with leadership to ensure that improvements are implemented, the organization has a greater opportunity for a successful outcome...

      Workshops and Retreats

      AMGA Consulting has a rich history of performing Workshop and Retreat programs, which assist organizations in maximizing their objectives by bringing together expertise in hosting educational programs and faculty experts with hands-on, day-to-day experience. The program is designed for short-term engagements, such as board and management retreats, as well as workshops on strategic planning, clinical integration, and creating the culture for value-based care...

      Expert Insights

      Contact Our Experts

      Our experts have decades of experience inside multispecialty medical groups and complex
      healthcare organizations, as well as advising medical groups on a host of strategic and organizational issues.
      Review their profiles and experience here. Ready to get started? Contact us at