Distinguished Corporate Partner Award

The AMGA Distinguished Corporate Partner Award is presented annually to an outstanding partner organization for working collaboratively with AMGA and supporting initiatives dedicated to driving change in integrated healthcare delivery to improve the lives of patients.
Congratulations to the following recipients:
2024 - Merck
2023 - Amgen
2022 - Sanofi US
2021 - Exact Sciences
2020 - Lightbeam Health Solutions
2019 - Pfizer Inc.
2017 - Novo Nordisk
2016 - Optum
2014 - Novartis Pharmaceuticals
2013 - Exact Sciences
2012 - Abbott Nutrition
2011 - Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2010 - Phytel, Inc.
2009 - Merck & Co., Inc.
2008 - Cejka Search, Inc.®
2007 - Health Hero Network
2006 - Sankyo Pharma, Inc.
2005 - Booz Allen Hamilton and Integreat
2004 - Pfizer Inc.
2003 - RSM McGladrey
2002 - Aventis
2001 - GlaxoSmithKline
2000 - Parke-Davis
1999 - Pharmacia & Upjohn
Previously, this award was known as the Presidential Award. Recipients included the following:
1996 - Ron Halverson, Marshall Erdman & Associates
1995 - Tom Day, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N.A.
1994 - Jack Silversin, D.M.D., Dr.P.H., Amicus Inc.
1992 - William Denby III, Marion Merrell Dow, Inc.
1991 - SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
1990 - Craig Anderson, Ernst & Young