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      Key Topics: Population Health

      Improving outcomes for a population

      As value-based care continues to gain momentum in the country’s healthcare ecosystem, both medical groups and insurers are perceiving care under a new lens, where reimbursement is dependent on positive patient outcomes, and not the volume of services rendered. As a result, providers are realigning themselves toward a more team-based approach that focuses on the whole person and not just the isolated conditions that patients present at a given point in time.  

      Population health has been defined as "the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group." Healthcare organizations have found that replacing the one-size-fits-all approach with tailored, cost-effective interventions based on collected data and risk level, population health targets hospital readmissions, preventative care, and chronic disease programs can improve patient health and reimbursement.

      Video: Making the Rounds: Dr. Beth Averbeck on Population Health

      Video: AMGA Live at AC23 | Katie Henry, JD, Austin Regional Clinic (Population Health)


      How do I lower cost spending while increasing better patient outcomes?

      The Information Advantage

      This GPJ feature story examines how Esse Health sought to reduce high-risk emergency department visits and improve cost savings.

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      Small Hub/Big Spokes

      This GPJ cover story examines why value-based care is the future of rural health care.

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      What kind of population health initiatives are key in value-based care?

      Making Health Care a Better Experience for Everyone

      Cityblock’s Dr. Toyin Ajayi discusses how providers and health plans can collaboratively shift to a value-based care model, with a focus on health equity and a shared goal of delivering a better experience of care.

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      Addressing Care Disparities

      In this panel discussion, AMGA members from various locations share their organizations’ initiatives to provide better care to marginalized patient populations.

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      City Limits

      In this article examines how socioeconomic disparities in Houston played into Kelsey-Seybold Clinic’s response to COVID-19 and called on the healthcare community to take a more active role in developing solutions to adverse social determinants of health.

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      What best practices are available for developing programs for chronic diseases?

      The Need for Speed

      Premier Medical Associates is addressing colorectal cancer though value-based care.

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      Improving Outcomes for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Bundle Measure Approach

      This white paper details how participants in the Together 2 Goal Diabetes Bundle Best Practices Learning Collaborative defined, piloted, and evaluated a framework and its necessary components to improve outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes.

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      Combating Clinical Inertia in CKD and Other Metabolic Conditions

      An evidence-based approach to addressing clinical inertia in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease and other comorbid conditions.

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      How do I use data to improve the health of my population?

      Pain Points

      Identifying chronic opioid use at the point of care

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      Cultivating a Comprehensive Obesity Program in Primary Care

      This white paper details how participants in the AMGA Obesity Care Model Collaborative defined, piloted and evaluated a framework and its necessary components to address obesity and overweight in primary care.

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      Deliver Guideline-Recommended Care for AF Stroke Risk Reduction

      In this webinar summary, healthcare organizations share how they are improving guideline adherence to reduce the risk of stroke among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).

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      Solutions Library: Where the Best Find Answers

      Learn how leading medical groups are adjusting their provider and executive compensation models based on the latest trends and data at
