Key Issues

AMGA advocates on Capitol Hill and with federal agencies on issues affecting member medical groups. Issues are determined by legislation and regulation that is currently being enacted.
Telehealth Expansion
AMGA works to expand telehealth capabilities and payment parity, and waive geographic and originating site regulations.
Access to Claims Data
AMGA works to increase provider access to commercial claims data.
Promoting Access to Care for the Chronically Ill
AMGA’s work to waive the chronic care management code coinsurance for Medicare beneficiaries to ensure appropriate use of CCM services, maximum access for patients, and improved health outcomes.
Issue Briefs
AMGA advocates on Capitol Hill and with federal agencies on issues affecting AMGA member medical groups. View our issue briefs to learn more.

Join us to Stop the Cuts!
Congress has until March to fund the government and AMGA is pushing for elimination of the 2.8% Medicare conversion factor.