AMGA Advocacy

AMGA is the voice for medical groups and integrated delivery systems on Capitol Hill. We promote our members’ interests in Congress and federal agencies in a variety of ways:
Advocate for priority issues affecting medical groups
Promote policymakers' and lawmakers' awareness of the advantages of practicing in a multispecialty medical group
Represent members' interests in related associations and coalitions
Inform and advise members regarding implementation of, and compliance with, enacted and proposed legislation and regulations.
In addition, we ensure policymakers and lawmakers are aware of medical groups' recognized excellence in delivering high-quality, cost-effective medical services to patients through coordinated care.
Through our efforts, members are assured that their interests are represented before many audiences, including Congress and federal agencies, in addition to other healthcare organizations and interest groups.
Key Issues
AMGA advocates on Capitol Hill and with federal agencies on issues affecting member medical groups. Issues are determined by legislation and regulation that is currently being enacted.
Get Involved
Creating relationships with your elected officials is crucial to making sure your voice is heard when they are crafting and implementing legislation that will affect your organization.
Video: AMGA Live at AC24 | Scott Hines, MD, Crystal Run Healthcare (How to Affect Policy and Legislation)
Issue Briefs
District Advocacy Program
Meet virtually with your members of Congress and their staff to discuss critical issues in healthcare.