Chronic Care Roundtable

The Chronic Care Roundtable (CCR) provides an opportunity for industry leaders, national clinical experts, and other key stakeholders to shape strategies, tactics, and metrics to improve care pathways for patients with chronic and preventable diseases. Your company will be deeply connected to AMGA Foundation, our leaders, our board, and our AMGA member groups. We convene two annual and highly interactive meetings: One in the spring during AMGA’s Annual Conference and a full-day meeting in the fall. The CCR is a collaborative effort in which participants share insights and engage in discussions that culminate in a meeting summary. Our enewsletter is published six times a year and features perspectives and updates from the CCR. We also provide access to customized online resources.
We invite your corporation to join the Chronic Care Roundtable today.
In-person and virtual meetings and other events continue to advance best practices in partnership with AMGA Foundation leaders.
The next Chronic Care Roundtable meeting will be taking place Tuesday, November 12, 2024 during AMGA’s Fall Council Summit in New Orleans, LA.