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      Osteoporosis Best Practices Learning Collaborative 2.0

      The Osteoporosis Best Practices Learning Collaborative 2.0 is a 12-month initiative focused on helping participating organizations develop strategies to reduce fracture rates among female patients with osteoporosis.  The goal is to have groups develop, implement, and sustain clinical practice guideline-informed strategies and interventions to improve patient-centered identification, diagnosis, long-term management, and education. This collaborative is an extension of the Osteoporosis Best Practices Learning Collaborative, and it builds on the original collaboratives’ s findings and key components such as patient and provider/staff education, care coordination, and clinical decision support tools. 

      The AMGA Best Practices Learning Collaborative model creates a community of knowledge that can assist participants to accelerate change and develop sustainable care processes. The best practices from the collaboratives are shared with the healthcare community to help providers improve care delivery nationwide. 

      Eight participating health care organizations comprised of medical groups, and integrated health systems of varying size, and geographic locations, were selected to participate in the Osteoporosis Best Practices Learning Collaborative 2.0:

      Maine Medical Partners
      Ochsner Health
      Prevea Health

      SIMED Health
      St. Luke’s Medical Group
      UC San Diego Health
      Utica Park Clinic



      Claire Gill
      Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation

      Heather Hofflich, DO, FACE
      Clinical Medical Director, La Jolla Internal Medicine Faculty Practice,
      Professor of Medicine, Divisions of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, UC San Diego Health

      Michele McDermott, M.D.
      US Asset Medical Lead

      Susan L. Williams-Judge, M.N., C.N.S., A.R.N.P.,
      Nurse Practitioner, University of Washington Medicine
      Clinical Liaison Coordinator, Strong Bones Clinic, Northwest Outpatient Medical Center 


      If you have questions or need further information, contact Senait Temesgen at or by phone at 703.838.0033 ext. 340.
