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      Peer-Reviewed Publications

      Ciemins EL, Mohl JT, Moreno CA, et. al. Development of a Follow-up Measure to Ensure Complete Screening for Colorectal Cancer, JAMA Network Open 2024; 7(3):e242693. Doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.2693.

      Grant C., Cuddeback J.K., Alabi O., Hicks C.W., Sadik K., Ciemins E.L. Perspectives on Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease: A Qualitative Study of Early Diagnosis and Treatment and the Impact of Health Disparities. Popul Health Manag. 2023 Dec;26(6):387-396. doi: 10.1089/pop.2023.0095. Epub 2023 Nov 10.

      Khan S.S., Matsushita K., Sang Y., Ballew S.H., et. al. . . .Ciemins E.L. Development and Validation of the American Heart Association Predicting Risk of Cardiovascular Disease EVENTs (PREVENT) Equations.
      Circulation. 2023 Nov 10. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067626. Online ahead of print.

      Grams M.E., Coresh J., Matsushita K., et. al. . . Ciemins, E.L. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, Albuminuria, and Adverse Outcomes: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis. JAMA. 2023 Oct 3;330(13):1266-1277. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.17002.

      Ciemins E.L., Gillen A., Tallam M., (2023) RSV: A vaccine is coming, time to educate providers. Vaccine, July 19; 41(32):4636-4638. https:

      Shields S., Norman G.J., Thomas R., Ciemins E.L., (2023) HbA1c Improvements After Initiation of Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol. May 11; Online ahead of print.

      Mohl J.T., Ciemins E.L., Miller-Wilson LA, Gillen A, Luo R, Colangelo F. (2023) Rates of Follow-up Colonoscopy After a Positive Stool-Based Screening Test Result for Colorectal Cancer Among Health Care Organizations in the US, 2017-2020. JAMA Netw Open. Jan 3;6(1):e2251384.

      Rodriguez H.P., Ciemins E.L., Rubio K, Rattelman C, Cuddeback JK, Mohl J.T., Bibi S, Shortell SM. (2023) Health systems and telemedicine adoption for diabetes and hypertension care. Am J Manag Care Jan;29(1):42-49.

      Leff B., Ritchie C., Ciemins E.L., Dunning S. (2022) Prevalence of use and characteristics of users of home-based medical care in Medicare Advantage.  J Am Geriatr Soc. Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/jgs.18085. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36222194.

      Mohl J.T., Stempniewicz N., Cuddeback J.K., Kent D.M., MacLean E.A., Nicholls L., Kerrigan C., Ciemins E.L. (2022) Predicting chronic opioid use among patients with osteoarthritis using electronic health record data. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). doi: 10.1002/acr.25013. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36063399.

      Grams ME, Brunskill NJ, Ballew SH. . .Stempniewicz N, Cuddeback J, Ciemins E.  (2022) Development and Validation of Prediction Models of Adverse Kidney Outcomes in the Population With and Without Diabetes. Diabetes Care. Sep 1;45(9):2055-2063.

      Rodriguez H.P., Ciemins E.L., Rubio K., Shortell S.M. (2022) Physician Practices with Robust Capabilities Spend Less on Medicare Beneficiaries Than More Limited Practices. Health Affairs. Mar. 41(3):441-423.

      Morgan, J.R., Quinn, E.K., Chaisson, C.E., Ciemins, E., Stempniewicz, N., White, L.F., Linas, B.P., Walley, A.Y., LaRochelle, M.R. (2022) Variation in Initiation, Engagement, and Retention on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Based on Health Insurance Plan Design. Medical Care. 60(3):256-263.

      Morgan, J.R., Quinn, E.K., Chaisson, C.E., Ciemins, E., Stempniewicz, N., White, L.F., Larochelle, M.R. (2022) Potential barriers to filling buprenorphine and naltrexone prescriptions among a retrospective cohort of individuals with opioid use disorder.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Feb: 133:108540.

      Sampsel, S., Whiton, K., Donckels, E., Joshi, V., Muther, E., Ramasamy, A., Zvenyach, T., Cuddeback, J.K., Ciemins, E.L. (2021) Assessing opportunities to advance quality measures in adult obesity. The American Journal of Managed Care27 (12):562-567.

      Grant, C.C., Chambers, E., Rattelman, C., Hamersky, C.M., Leng, W., Kennedy, J., Ciemins, E.L. (2021) Successful Implementation of an All-or-None Diabetes Measure in 10 U.S. Health Systems. November Population Health Management, Aug.; 25(4): 433-440.

      Kent, D.M., Nelson, J., Pittas, A., Colangelo, F., Koenig, C., van Klaveren, D., Ciemins, E., Cuddeback, J. (2022) An Electronic Health Record-Compatible Model to Predict Personalized Treatment Effects From the Diabetes Prevention Program: A Cross-Evidence Synthesis Approach Using Clinical Trial and Real-World Data.  Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Apr. 97(4):70-715.

      Esselman, K.W., Ciemins, E.L., Donckels, E., Barbera, C., D'Andrea, G., McBride, T. (2021) Using Quality Measures to Drive Improvements in Immunization Rates: Findings from a Real-World Evaluation from 3 US Health Care Organizations. Population Health Management. Jun 25(3):423-429.

      Shin, J.I., Chang, A.R., Grams, M.E., Coresh, J., Ballew, S.H., Surapaneni, A., Matsushita, K., Bilo, H.J.G., Carrero, J.J., Chodick, G., Daratha, K.B., Jassal, S.K., Nadkarni, G.N., Nelson, R.G., Nowak, C., Stempniewicz, N., Sumida, K., Traynor, J.P., Woodward, M., Sang, Y., Gansevoort, R.T. CKD Prognosis Consortium. (2021) Albuminuria Testing in Hypertension and Diabetes: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis in a Global Consortium. Hypertension. 78(4);1042-1052.

      Stempniewicz, N., Vassalotti, J.A., Cuddeback, J.K., Ciemins, E., Storfer-Isser, A., Sang, Y., Matsushita, K., Ballew, S.H., Chang, A.R., Levey, A.S., Bailey, R.A., Fishman, J., Coresh, J. (2021) Chronic Kidney Disease Testing Among Primary Care Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Across 24 U.S. Health Care Organizations. Diabetes Care. 44(9):2000-2009.

      Casanova, D., Kushner, R.F., Ciemins, E.L., Smalarz, B.G., Chambers, E., Leaver-Schmidt, E., Kennedy, J., Garvey, T. (2021) Building Successful Models in Primary Care to Improve Management of Adult Patients with Obesity. Published online: March, Population Health Management, 24(5):548-599.

      Kelly, A.S., Hanson, L.C., Ast, K., Dunning S.C.,  Ciemins, E.L., Meskow, C., Ritchie C.S. (2021) The Serious Illness Population: Ascertainment via Electronic Health Record or Claims Data. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Apr. 62(3):e148-e155.

      Ciemins, E.L., Joshi, J., Horn, D... Cuddeback, J., (2021) Measuring What Matters: Beyond Quality Performance Measures in Caring for Adults with Obesity. Population Health Management, Aug. 24(4):482-491.

      Ciemins, E.L., Mckinnon, M., Hamersky, C.M., Iyer, N.N., Powelson, J., (2021) Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes A Qualitative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Health Care Professionals.  Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, Jul-Sept. 44(3): 207-217.

      Rattelman, C.R., Ciemins, E.L., Stempniewicz, N. et al. (2021) A Retrospective Analysis of Therapeutic Inertia in Type 2 Diabetes Management Across a Diverse Population of Health Care Organizations in the USA. Diabetes Therapy, Feb. 12(2):581-594.

      Ciemins, E.L., Joshi, J., Cuddeback, J.K., Kushner, R.F., Horn, D.B., Garvey, W.T., (2020) Diagnosing Obesity as a First Step to Weight Loss an Observational Study. Obesity, Dec. 28(12), 2305-2309.

      Almaaitah, S., Ciemins, E. L., Joshi, V., Arora, A., Meskow, C., Rothberg, M. B. (2020). Variation in Patient Smoking Cessation Rates Among Health-Care Providers: An Observational Study. CHEST. Nov. 158(5), 2038-2046.

      Ciemins, E.L., Jerry, M., Powelson, J., Leaver-Schmidt, E., Joshi, V., Chambers, E., Casanova, D., Kennedy, J.W., Penso, J. (2020). An Adult Immunization Best Practices Learning Collaborative: Impact, Scale Up, and Spread. Popul Health Manag, Dec. 23 (6), 459-466.

      Matsushita, K., Jassal S.K., Sang, Y., Ballew, S.H., ... Stempniewicz, N. (2020) Incorporating kidney measures into cardiovascular risk prediction: Development and validation in 9 million adults from 72 datasets.  EClinMed 27, 100552.

      Sumida, K., Nadkami, G.N., Grams, M.E... Stempniewicz, N., (2020) Conversion of Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio or Urine Dipstick Protein to Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio for Use in Chronic Kidney Disease Screening and Prognosis : An Individual Participant-Based Meta-analysisAnnual Intern. Med, Sept. 173(6), 426-235.

      Ciemins, E.L., Jerry, M., Powelson, J., Leaver-Schmidt, E., Joshi, V., Casanova, D., Kennedy, J.W., Penso, J. (2020). Impact of a Learning Collaborative Approach on Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunization Rates in US Adults: A Mixed Methods Approach. Popul Health Manag, Feb. 23(1), 29-37.

      Ciemins, E.L., Mallis, B. L., Brant, J.M., Hassell, L.A., Albritton, S., Amoroso, P., Lloyd, A., Smith, J.M., Pftugeisen, B.M., Tuttle, K.R., Baldwin, L. M. (2020). Clinician engagement in research as a path toward the learning health system: A regional survey across the northwestern United States. Health Services Management Research, Feb. 33(1), 33-42.

      Nelson, R.G., Grams, M.E., Ballew, S.H......Stempniewicz, N., Cuddeback, J., Ciemins, E. (2019) Development of Risk Prediction Equations for Incident Chronic Kidney DiseaseJAMA, Dec. 322(21): 2104- 2114.

      Coresh, J., Heerspink, H.J. L., Sang, Y., Matsushita, K., Arnlov, J., Astor, B. C., et al. Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology, C. (2019). Change in albuminuria and subsequent risk of end-stage kidney disease: an individual participant-level consortium meta-analysis of observational studies. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, Feb. 7(2), 115-127.

      Ciemins, E. L., Ritchey, M. D., Joshi, V. V., Loustalot, F., Hannan, J., & Cuddeback, J. K. (2018). Application of a Tool to Identify Undiagnosed Hypertension - United States, 2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 67(29), 798-802.

      Ciemins, E. L., Coon, P. J., Coombs, N. C., Holloway, B. L., Mullette, E. J., & Dudley, W. N. (2018). Intent-to-treat analysis of a simultaneous multisite telehealth diabetes prevention programBMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, Apr. 6(1), e000515.

      Ciemins, E. L., Arora, A., Coombs, N. C., Holloway, B., Mullette, E. J., Garland, R.,    Coon, P. J.
      (2018). Improving Blood Pressure Control Using Smart Technology. Telemed J E Health, Mar. 24(3), 222-228.

      Zheng, K, Ciemins, E.L., Lanham, H., Lindberg, C. Examining the  Relationship Between Health IT and Ambulatory Care Workflow Redesign.  (Prepared by Billings Clinic under Contract No. 290- 2010-0019I-1). AHRQ Publication No. 15-0058-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. July 2015.
