Stop Medicare Reimbursement Cuts

On Jan. 1, 2025, the 2.8% Medicare conversion factor cut began. Congress has until March to fund the government and AMGA will push for elimination of the Medicare conversion factor cut and extend telehealth flexibilities in the upcoming legislative package. AMGA has an Advocacy Campaign designed to communicate to policymakers the need to stop these dramatic payment cuts.
We welcome your active involvement with us in lobbying Congress to fix these critical issues.
Tools & Information
Below are tools designed to educate Members of Congress and the media on the impact these cuts will have on multispecialty medical groups and their patients.
While Medicare cuts are a major emphasis of AMGA’s Advocacy Campaign, our Public Policy team also is actively opposing Congressional efforts to cut Medicare Advantage payments, advocating for extension of regulatory waivers so AMGA members can continue to provide telehealth services, and lobbying for our value agenda. For more information on these issues, please see AMGA’s issue briefs, or contact Alicia Sawyer, government relations assistant, at
District Advocacy Program: Stop the Cuts
Congress is in the midst of a massive discussion on the future of the Medicare and Medicare Advantage
This is where you come in!
AMGA’s District Advocacy Program (DAP) is an opportunity to engage with members of Congress and their staffs on the potential impact that the potential Medicare cuts will have on the practice of medicine. Now is the time to make your voice heard. AMGA public policy staff provides all the scheduling, materials, and follow-ups with Congressional offices, so that you can deliver your message on priority healthcare issues and reinforce AMGA’s activities in Washington.
For more information about the DAP, please contact Lauren N. Lattany at