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      Partnership Opportunities

      Partner with Us!

      Make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and providers by partnering with us to spread research evidence uptake into practice. Together, we can improve provider and patient outcomes and enhance the quality and delivery of health care.

      Longstanding, trusted relationships and partnerships


      For nearly 75 years, AMGA has held strong, trusting relationships with our members which has allowed us to successfully recruit and engage members for rigorous mixed methods studies. Member engagement in research allows us to dive deeply into the motivating factors that hinder or accelerate implementation of evidence into delivering high quality care. Our findings reflect the real-world challenges and opportunities faced by health care organizations, providers, and patients.

      We engage multiple stakeholders and partners with a variety of perspectives enabling development, evaluation, and refinement of multi-level quality measures and innovations that lead to viable, real-life improvements in patient care. We emphasize improving the cost-effectiveness and delivery of care for high-cost, high-risk populations with multiple chronic conditions and for overall improvements in population health. AMGA partnerships for research leverage in-house expertise along with a variety of resources including robust data assets and AMGA health care organizations that serve in all 50 states across diverse communities.


      Our Team

      AMGA’s Senior Vice President of Research has 20 years of experience directing clinical and translational research within a tristate health system and 30 years conducting epidemiologic and health services research in large multi-site national studies. The team is led by two doctorate level investigators and includes a pharmacist, programmers, data analysts, and project managers. Together the team is responsible for all of AMGA’s quantitative and mixed methods research projects, measure development and testing, and analytics for AMGA’s best practices learning collaboratives.

      • Clinical care and operations: ambulatory pharmacy, EHR, immunization, anticoagulation, diabetes, integration of clinical and community care, patient- centered care, value-based care, medication therapy management

      • Data analysis and programming: statistical programming languages (R, SAS, STATA, SPSS), statistical analyses, claims and EHR data, machine learning, SQL programming

      • Data visualizations and management: Tableau, Egret, EpiMap, benchmarking, map maker, database management, health informatics and standards, systems engineering

      • Qualitative research: Semi-structured interviews and roundtables, rapid qualitative coding, codebook development and analysis (Atlas.ti, NVIVO), Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

      • Subject matter knowledge: Biological sciences, biostatistics, environmental health, health policy, healthcare finance, health behavior and education, psychology, public health, neurobiology, population health, psychometrics, implementation science 

      Many of AMGA’s research projects also recruit a multidisciplinary team of national experts in medicine, clinical and operational management, implementation science, and population health who serve as advisors to investigators and mentors to participating AMGA members.

      AMGA has access to unparalleled longitudinal clinical electronic health record (EHR) and claims data across multiple health systems. We have far-reaching knowledge in the use of large data sets to drive greater efficiencies in clinical and operational processes that accelerate improvements in patient care. Our methods include benchmarking across and within provider organizations and use of data insights to inform shared decision-making at the patient level and risk stratification at the population level.

      • Optum Labs: Data Warehouse (OLDW) with longitudinal data from electronic health records (EHRs) of ~50 healthcare organizations and ~100M patients of all ages and areas of the U.S. OLDW includes administrative claims data for medical, pharmacy, and laboratory results of over 200M commercial and Medicare Advantage enrollees.
      • Lightbeam: AMGA has an exclusive partnership with Lightbeam providing access to anonymized clinical data set for ~100M patients from health systems, accountable care organizations, and payors. Light beam data includes characteristics on social determinants of health (SDoH) from commercial and other sources.
      • HPPE: Lightbeam's partnership gives AMGA full access to identified patient level EHR and outbound claims data for members participating in AMGA's High Performing Physician Enterprise (HPPE) Program for a combination of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research.


      AMGA creates detailed specifications that have been used by more than 200 healthcare organizations to submit de-identified patient level or health system level data. AMGA uses data for benchmarking and measurement in all AMGA best practice and quality improvement initiatives and campaigns. AMGA has documented or administered nearly 24 million adult vaccines in our adult immunization collaborative and campaign, and calculated and tracked improvements in 3.5 million individuals in our Together 2 Goal® campaign, and half a million individuals in our Measure up Pressure Down® disease awareness and management campaign.

      AMGA disseminates research findings to peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences. In addition, we disseminate and translate evidence-based interventions at AMGA conferences, webinars, regional meetings, and leadership councils where clinicians and administrators convene to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities.

      AMGA Events

      Our monthly e-newsletter, InsideAMGA posts to tens of thousands of individuals in member and non-member health systems providing news and links to our latest research findings. 

      Learn More

      AMGA’s national chronic care awareness and management campaigns, quality, and implementation science initiatives are other channels for discovery, dissemination and translation of evidence-based practice.

      National Campaigns Chronic Care Roundtable


      ABT Associates


      Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION IV)

      Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ)

      American Association for Hospice and Palliative Medicine

      American Institute for Research


      Berkley Public Health

      Boston Medical

      Center for Healthcare Organizational Innovation and Research (CHOIR)

      Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

      CKD Prognosis Consortium

      Dartmouth Institute


      Exact Sciences



      Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

      IKS Health


      Janssen/Johnson & Johnson

      Johns Hopkins Medical Center and Bloomberg School of Public Health


      Mayo Clinic

      Massachusetts General Hospital

      Massachusetts Institute of Technology


      National Cancer Institute

      National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care

      National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)

      National Institute on Aging IMPACT Collaboratory

      National Kidney Foundation

      National Quality Forum (NQF)

      National Vaccine Program Office, Office of Evaluation Sciences


      Novo Nordisk



      Patient Center Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)


      Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement Research


      The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Geldings School of Public Health

      Tufts Medical Center

      University of California at Los Angeles
